
Is it possible to play Starfield on Steam Deck?

Right now this is one of the biggest questions in every gamer’s mind. In short, yes, Starfield can be played on Steam Deck. Playing Starfield on the Steam deck is definitely one of the most exciting news for a gamer, especially when you know the game can run on a handheld device.

Steam deck can run Starfield with subpar performances. There may be issues in large open areas. Sometimes you have to face longer loading times and you need to be ready for uncertain optimization solutions. 

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Starfiled’s compatibility with Steam Deck is still unclear. it excites gamers to explore its vast open world in suspense. 

Already, the Steam Deck Compatibility Program simplifies how the game can be performed with maximum efficiency. Steam Deck categorized the titles into four categories, such as:

VerifiedA game that can run flawlessly on the Steam Deck
PlayableGamers need to make adjustments for better compatibility
UnsupportedWon’t function or is incompatible with Steam Deck
UnknownYet to undergo Steam Deck testing for compatibility.

Best Steam Deck settings for Starfield:

(for 30 fps)

❌Dynamic Resolution: Off

✅Overall preset: Medium

✅Shadow Quality: Low

✅Motion Blur: Low

✅Volumetric Lighting: Low

✅Upscaling: FSR2

❌Film Grain: 0

❌Enable Depth of Field: Off

Starfield works well on the Steam Deck for non-combat tasks like modifying the spaceship, managing outposts, turning in bounties, etc. which don’t require high frame rates. These tasks can be done through a jetpack with 20 fps.

You may not hear noise or your Steam Deck may not get hot while playing Starfield but definitely it’ll affect the battery. You may hardly expect 1-hour battery life, so accordingly keep your charging handy.

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Meet Mr. Guru: A seasoned journalist with three years of experience. With a passion for uncovering stories, he has navigated the realm of news, bringing insights to light.

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